This documentation provides comprehensive insights into the Sticky Position Extension developed by Zoloblocks.
Activate the Sticky Position Extension
On WordPress Dashboard Navigate to ZoloBlocks from the sidebar menu.
- Select the Dashboard option under ZoloBlocks.
- Go to the Extension tab.
- Use the search bar to search for “Sticky Position”
- Click Enable to activate the Sticky Position extension.
Where to Find the Extension
Go to Extra Tabs control section
- Find the ” Motion Effects ” section and select the Icon.
- Sticky Animation is disabled by default.
Sticky Position
A sticky element toggles between relative and fixed positioning, depending on the scroll position. It behaves like relative
until it reaches a defined scroll position, then becomes fixed
while scrolling.
Sticky Animation
- Sticky Animation: Enable the switcher to show the sticky animation.
- Sticky Position: Set the position for sticky content (e.g: Top, Center, Bottom ).
- Offset: Set the offset for the sticky position.
- Sticky On: Select the option to appear on specific device (e.g.: Desktop, Laptop, Mobile).
By following these instructions, you can use the Sticky Animation extension for positioning the section sticky.
Please check the demo also.
Thanks for reading the documentation.