The News Ticker widget is a post type widget developed by Ultimate Post Kit plugin. It is a very handy tool for news-type websites that needs to feature a long strand of posts.
Let’s see how it works!
Inserting widget
Find the News Ticker widget from the widget menu in Elementor page editor and drag it inside your webpage.
Content tab
The Content tab holds the base settings for the widget and lays the foundation of the layout of the final content. It’s divided into four parts for the News Ticker widget.
Go to Content> Layout
The layout of the News Ticker widget gives you a number of switchers. You can turn on/off the label, date, & time. You can choose the news content between title & except. Also, adjust the height of the whole content using the Height scrollbar.
Go to Content> Navigation
This widget supports a navigation system fixed at arrows. You can keep it activated or hide it using a switcher. There is another switcher right below that shows a play/pause button between the arrows.
Go to Content> Query
From the query, the news source can be selected from posts, pages, and landing pages. You can show categories, tags, as well as set the order of the posts.
Go to Content> Animation
This widget has a carousel-type animation effect for displaying posts simultaneously. You can customize the animation settings by animation style, delay, autoplay, etc.
Style tab
The style tab allows you to change or customize the appearance of the News Ticker. The options include color settings & typography.
News Ticker
Go to Style> News Ticker
Change the text color & background color as well as the typography of the label in the first sub-section. The settings are the same for the content area.
Go to Style> Navigation
The navigation arrows are customizable through the background color and arrow color options.
Had fun?
Watch this quick video for better visual and see the demo page for more examples, provided by Bdthemes.