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How to use the Variation Swatches Feature by Ultimate Store Kit

  • BdThemes
  • How to use the Variation Swatches Feature by Ultimate Store Kit

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How to use the Variation Swatches Feature by Ultimate Store Kit

In this documentation, we will show you how to customize the Variation Swatches Feature by Ultimate Store Kit.

Enable Variation Swatches

Enable variation swatches - BdThemes

Enable the Variation Swatches,

  1. Navigate to Ultimate Store Kit > Other Settings in your dashboard.
  2. Locate the Variation Swatches option and enable it.
  3. Click the Save Settings button to apply your changes.

Configure the Variation Swatches

Set the Attributes

product attributes - BdThemes

Go to Products section on dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Attributes Section.
  2. Find the Attributes form on the left, Add attributes by following.
  3. The Added Attributes will appear on right section.

Add Color Attributes

add attributes color - BdThemes
  1. Name: Set the name for the Attributes ( e.g.: Color ).
  2. Slug: Set the slug for the attributes ( unique slug/references ).
  3. Type: Select the type for the attributes ( e.g.: Color, Image, Label, Button ).
  4. Default Sort Order: Set the default sort order Custom Order ( e.g.: Custom Order, Name, Name ( Numeric, Term ID ).
  5. Click on the ” Add Attributes ” to create new added.
product color 2 - BdThemes
  1. Added Attribute appear on the right.
product color 2 all - BdThemes
  1. After adding all attributes.

Configure Terms ( e.g.: Color )

adiding attributes and configure tersm - BdThemes
  1. Select the Attributes ( e.g: Color ).
  2. Click on the “ Configure Terms ” to add new configure.
product color - BdThemes
  1. Name: Set the name of the color ( e.g.: Red ).
  2. Slug: Set the slug for the attributes ( unique slug/references ).
  3. Description: Set the description of it.
  4. Swatches Color: Set the swatches color.
  5. Click on the ” Add new Color ” button to add new variation.
product color 2 1 - BdThemes
  1. The Color attributes swatches appear.
product color 2 all 1 1 - BdThemes
  1. After adding new color.

Add Image Attributes

image attributes - BdThemes

Set the Image Attributes,

  1. Name: Set the name of the Attributes ( e.g.: Image ).
  2. Slug: Set the slug for the attributes ( unique slug/references ).
  3. Enable Archives: Enable this if you want this attributes to have products archives in your strore.
  4. Type: Select the type for the attributes ( e.g.: Color, Image, Label, Button ).
  5. Default sort Order: Set the default sort order Custom Order ( e.g.: Custom Order, Name, Name ( Numeric, Term ID ).
  6. Click on the ” Add Attributes ” to create new added.
image attributes configure - BdThemes

After adding attributes it will appear on the list.

  1. Click on the ” Configure Terms ” to configure the attributes.

Configure Terms ( e.g.: Image )

image attributes black 1 - BdThemes

Set the products images ( Edited based on color of image ).

  1. Name: Set the name of the Attributes ( e.g.: Black ).
  2. Slug: Set the slug for the attributes ( unique slug/references ).
  3. Description: Set the description for the images.
  4. Swatches Image: Select the swatches image.
  5. Click on the ” Add New Image ” button to add new products.
image attributes black 2 - BdThemes
  1. After adding product color. It will appear here.
image attributes all showing - BdThemes
  1. All the variation appears here.

Add New Products

add new products - BdThemes

Add New Products,

  1. Set the Title for the Products.
  2. Set Products Description.
add new products variable - BdThemes
  1. Select Product Data > Variable Products
  2. Select the ” Attributes
attrubutes color added - BdThemes
  1. Select the attributes for the products ” Color “.
attrubutes color added 2 - BdThemes
  1. Values: Added values from this color.
  2. Click on the ” Select All ” to add new products.
  3. Click on the “ Save attributes ” to save it.
attrubutes color added 3 remove - BdThemes
  1. Adding new attributes.
  2. Remove the attributes by clicking on the ” Remove ” button.

Variation Added

variation - BdThemes
  1. Navigat to ” Variation ” section.
  2. Set the ” Generate Variation ” button to generate new variation.
variation permission - BdThemes
  1. The message will appear click on it.
variation added after generating - BdThemes

After generating variation it will appear all the variation.


Color Attributes
swatcher - BdThemes

Set the swatches for the attributes ( e.g.: Color ),

  1. Navigate to Swatches section.
  2. Type: Set the type( e.g.: Default, Color, Image, Label, Button ).
  3. Shape: Set the shape ( e.g.: Default, Circle, Rounded Corner, Square ).
  4. Size: Set the size ( e.g.: Default, custom ).
Swatches color added - BdThemes
  1. Set the swatches color for the Color attributes.
Image Attributes
swatches images - BdThemes

Image attributes for the images,

  1. Type: Set the type for the image ( e.g.: Image ).
  2. Shape: Set the shape for the images.
  3. Size: Set the size for the default image.
  4. Set the image for the swatches items.

View Products

view products - BdThemes
  1. Click on the ” View Product ” and it will take to new products pages.
color and images after products 1 - BdThemes
  1. Color Attributes will appear.
  2. Image attributes will appear.

Adding The Customisation

other settings customize - BdThemes

Go to the Other Settings section.

  1. Shape: Set the shape for the attributes design. ( e.g.: Default, Circle, Square ).
  2. Tooltip: Set the tooltip ( e.g.: Default, No ).
  3. Size: Set the size for the attributes.
  4. Convert Quantity Button: Set the quantity button ( e.g.: Default, No ).
other setting details - BdThemes
  1. Set the shape for the attributes.
  2. Tooltip appear on the attributes.
  3. The Convert Quantity button appear to add or remove the quantity.
  4. Set the Size for the button.

By Following this you can use the variation swatches for adding your own customization. You can set the Custom attributes for Color, Image, Label and Button.

Thanks for reading the documentation.

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