In this documentation, we will show you how to use the Section Sticky Extension presented by Element Pack Pro.
Activate Section Sticky Extension
Go to Element Pack Pro > Extension

- Select the Extension tab on from Element Pack Pro Dashboard.
- Search by the extension name ” Section Sticky ” and it will appear the extension.
- Enable the switcher to activate ” Section Sticky ” extension.
- Click on the ” Save Settings ” button.
Find the Section Sticky

It will found on the edit container advanced tab,
- Click on the ” Edit Container / Six Dot ” it will appear the container controls.
- Go to Advanced Tab of Edit Container.
- Find the section sticky extension, Check the Element Pack logo on the left side on there.
Work with the Section Sticky

- Enable Sticky: Enable the sticky section to make it sticky.

All the controls appear here, let’s customize it.
- Offset: Set the offset for the section sticky.
- Active Background Color: Set the active background color. It will appear when section is active.
- Active Padding: Set the active padding. the changes will appear on activating the section.

- Active Box Shadow: Set the box shadow to appear it on active of section sticky.
- Animation: Set the animation for it. Select from the option value.
- Scroll Until: Set the class/id to scroll until the section appear.

- Sticky on Scroll Up: Enable the switcher to sticky on mouse scroll up.
- Position: Set the position for the sticky.
- Z-index: Set the z-index for the section sticky. It used to set top for the element.
- Turn Off: Select Mobile/Tab to turn off the section sticky feature.
Video Assist
You can watch the video above to learn about the Search widget.
Please visit the demo page for examples.
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