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How to use Asset Manager in Element Pack

  • BdThemes
  • How to use Asset Manager in Element Pack

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How to use Asset Manager in Element Pack

Asset Manager is a special feature of Element Pack Pro. It’s the Game Changer that reduces the average DOM size in Elementor and optimizes the page loading speed.

Asset Manager compresses the CSS and JS file size to less than 1/10 in size and improves the code execution time by leaps and bounds. Not only it unifies the scripts but also reduces the script size according to the number of features in use at the same time.

Please continue reading this article to learn about it.

Activate Asset Manager

turn on asset manager

Go to WP Dashboard > Element Pack Pro > Other Settings

Here you will see the Asset Manager switcher. Please click on the Radio Button and it will activate. Don’t forget to Click on Save Changes.

How It Works


All widget Activate - BdThemes

Here, the Asset Manager is deactivated and all widgets are activated.

Now, let’s get into the local server and trace the script folder and measure the script size.

before activate css 1 - BdThemes

c:xampp>htdocs>design>wp-content>uploads>element-pack>minified>CSS (from our end)

before activate js 1 - BdThemes

c:xampp>htdocs>design>wp-content>uploads>element-pack>minified>js (from our end)

As you see all the CSS and JS file size is 616kb and 232kb when all the widget activates.


two widget activate 1 - BdThemes

Now try with only two activated widgets and then measure the script sizes.

before activate css 2 - BdThemes


before activate js 2 - BdThemes


As you can see, all the CSS and JS file size still remains the same 616kb and 232kb when only two widgets activate.

Scene-3 -the game changer

Go to Element Pack Pro > Other Settings > Asset Manager

Activate Asset Manager 2 - BdThemes

Now let’s see the magic. Please activate the Asset Manager switcher and click on Save Settings.

And then go to your folder and you will see that the CSS and JS file has been reduced to a fraction in size than before. It reduces the script size according to the activated number of features and their use cases.

after activate css 2 - BdThemes


after activate js 1 - BdThemes


As you see, the CSS and JS file size is 15kb and 3kb when only two widgets activate.

This is how Asset Manager works. It will prevent the website from using extra CSS and JS files as well as reduce overloading. Feel free to take advantage of this extension to boost your website today.

Thanks for staying with BdThemes.

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