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How to use the Vertical Menu widget

  • BdThemes
  • How to use the Vertical Menu widget

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Vertical Menu widget

How to use the Vertical Menu widget

The Vertical Menu widget helps you create a menu panel that has the menu items aligned vertically. It is a good practice for eCommerce websites and such.

Let’s see how you can operate it and customize it in this tutorial.

Inserting widget

inserting Vertical Menu widget

Find Vertical Menu widget from the widget menu and drag-drop it inside your webpage.

Content tab

The Content tab basically holds all the basic settings that will change the system/properties of your content.

The menu widget works in two ways.

  • You create menu on your dashboard and insert it here
  • You design your menu and link it in here

Type 2

vertical menu 2 - BdThemes

For the second choice, you have to leave alone the switcher Dynamic Menu. You can see a bunch of items on the Menu Items option. Those are what you will see as a WordPress vertical menu.

vertical menu 3 - BdThemes

Each item is individually customizable in the content tab. Put a title, select item type, and put a link.

For the Select Item Type menu, you have three options to choose from. The first one is for the main menu item, the second one is for a sub-menu start, and the third one is for sub-menu stop indication.

Type 1

vertical menu 4 - BdThemes

If you turn on the Dynamic Menu switcher, you will have a drop-down option where you can choose pre-made menu items.

vertical menu 5 - BdThemes

For the additional settings, turning on the Show Sticky switcher will make the menu float above the screen upon scroll.

Again, you can place the sub-menu inside the main menu panel or outside form the Sub Menu Type option as well as select column numbers.

Sticky Feature for Vertical Menu

Go to Content > Additional Settings

Show Sticky

This feature is for showing sticky the vertical menu.

show sticky - BdThemes
  1. Show Sticky: Enable the switcher to make the section sticky. It will show all the feature relates to the Sticky.
sticky on scroll up - BdThemes
  1. Sticky on Scroll UP: Enable the switcher to make the sticky up. It will work on mouse scrolling to up.

Specify Sticky on Scrolling Area

This is an exciting feature for making the vertical menu sticky for specific area only. It will appear sticky on the section only.


Make a CSS ID for any section that want to show the sticky.

set css id on container - BdThemes
  1. Choose any container and Click on the ” 6 dots ” for appearing the controls of the container.
  2. Navigate to the ” Advanced ” tab.
  3. Set the “CSS ID ” on the Layout section. ID must be unique.
scrolling area set the CSS ID - BdThemes
  1. Now input the CSS ID on the ” Scroll Area ” field. Make sure put the Pound simple before the ID. E.x: #Parent.
appeaing on scroll sticky - BdThemes
  1. The Vertical Menu will appear sticky when the section appear on scrolling.

Style tab

There are two sections for the style tab to customize the appearance of the menus navigation. One for the main menu and the other for the sub-menu.

Main Menu

vertical menu 6 - BdThemes

Go to Style> Main Menu

Here, you can change background, text, icon, and indicator color as well as spacing for the main menu. You can set colors for normal, active, and hover mode also.

Sub Menu

vertical menu 7 - BdThemes

Go to Style> Sub Menu

Same settings as the main menu.


Watch this video to get more visuals on the Vertical Menu widget, by Bdthemes, and visit this demo page for more examples.

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