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How to use the Charitable Registration widget

  • BdThemes
  • How to use the Charitable Registration widget

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Charitable Registration widget

How to use the Charitable Registration widget

The Charitable Registration widget helps you create a registration form for your precious donors on your website. Let’s see how it works in this tutorial.

Inserting widget

Inserting Charitable Registration widget

Find the Charitable Registration widget from the widget menu and drag-drop it inside your page.

Content tab

This widget has a single section content tab, holding the few base settings of the form.

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You have three fields; the Logged In Message, Registration link text, and Redirect. The first field displays the message upon login/registration. The second field lets you write text instead of the default text under the button. And the last field is for redirecting the user to any internal page of the website upon registration through your free non profit website.

That’s all inside the Content tab.

Style tab

The Style tab holds a bunch of section commanding different parts of the content for the Elementor Charitable Registration widget. Let’s see from above.

Charitable Registration

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Go to Style> Charitable Registration

Here, you can change the appearance of the registration box by changing color, border, and padding. Also, put a box-shadow for more visuals.


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Go to Style> Label

You can change the color and typography of the labels on your registration form.

Input Fields

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Go to Style> Input Fields

Customize the color, border, and padding for the input fields. We suggest that you stick to lighter colors for this section.

Register Button

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Go to Style> Register Button

As the image above, colorize the button to make it more lucrative and more comfortable for clicking.

Signed Up Text

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Go to Style> Signed Up Text

And lastly, you can change the color and typography of the linked text below the button.


Watch this video for more visuals and visit the demo page to view more examples provided by Bdthemes.

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