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How to Install Axvart Theme

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How to Install Axvart Theme

This documentation provides comprehensive insights into Install Axvart Theme process step by step.

Download Axvart Theme

login in to acounts bdtheems 1 - BdThemes
  1. Go to the link accounts.bdthemes.com
  2. Enter the Purchase email ( The email used for purchasing the Zoloblocks Pro ).
  3. Enter the password.
  4. Click on the ” Login To Access Account “ button to login to your license managements dashboard.

After successfully login, you will see the dashboard.

zoloblocks pro dowbload 1 - BdThemes
  1. Select the “ Zoloblocks ” tab from left side bar. It will appear the Zoloblocks information.
  2. Find the ” Download Files ” button on the right top side and click on it.
download axvart - BdThemes
  1. Top right corner the latest version will appear there.
  2. Now you will see the Axvart plugin just click on the ” Download ” button and it will start to download.

Install Axvart Theme

apperance themes - BdThemes

Log in your WordPress Dashboard and Navigate to Appearance from sidebar menu.

  1. Select the Themes tab, It will open the themes page.
  2. Click on the ” Add New Theme ” button to add new themes.
select axvart file - BdThemes
  1. Now click on the ” Upload Theme ” button and it will open file option.
  2. Choose file from your desire location and select the ” axvart.zip ” file.
  3. Click on the ” Install Now ” button to install it.
activate it - BdThemes
  1. After successfully install Click on the ” Activate ” link to activate the Axvart Theme.
after activate - BdThemes

Now go to Themes tab and check theme installed.

  1. Activate : Axvart, The current theme is axvart.
  2. The new theme activate message will appear, Click on the link to check website.
  3. Click on the ” Customize ” button to set the settings of the theme.

By following this you can install and activate the Axvart theme. It’s block theme based on Gutenburg plugin.

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