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How to use Backdrop Filters Extension by Zoloblocks

  • BdThemes
  • How to use Backdrop Filters Extension by Zoloblocks

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How to use Backdrop Filters Extension by Zoloblocks

This documentation provides comprehensive insights into the Backdrop Filters Extension developed by Zoloblocks.

Activate Backdrop Filters Extension

Activate Backdrop Filters Extension

Go to Zoloblocks Dashboard

  1. Select Dashboard
  2. Then go to Extension Tab
  3. Search by the ” Backdrop Filters“
  4. Enable the switcher to activate Backdrop Filters extension.

Where to Find the Extension

Go to Extra Tab Section any blocks

backdrop filter on extra tab - BdThemes
  1. Backdrop Filters controls will appear on the Background Section of the Extra Tab Section.

Backdrop Filters

A backdrop filter is a CSS property that applies graphical effects (such as blurring, contrast, or color manipulation) to the area behind an element. This feature alters the appearance of content that is visible through or around the target element, while the element itself remains unchanged. Backdrop filters are commonly used to create visual effects like frosted glass or softened backgrounds, enhancing the visual hierarchy and aesthetics of web design.


Blur is used to create a sense of depth, focus, or aesthetic enhancement.

blur - BdThemes
  1. BLUR: Set the blur value for the depth focus.


Brightness is a visual effect that adjusts the lightness or darkness of an element

brightness - BdThemes
  1. BRIGHTNESS: Set the brightness level.


Contrast is a visual effect that adjusts the difference between the light and dark areas of an element.

contrast - BdThemes
  1. CONTRAST: Set the contrast for it.


Saturate is a visual effect that adjusts the intensity of colors in an element

saturate - BdThemes
  1. SATURATE: Set the saturate level.


Hue Rotate is a CSS visual effect that rotates the color spectrum of an element by a specified angle, shifting the colors to different hues.

Hue Rotate - BdThemes
  1. Hue Rotate : Set the Hue Rotate level.


Grayscale is a visual effect that converts an element’s colors into shades of gray, removing all color information

grayscale - BdThemes
  1. Grayscale: Set the grayscale level.


Invert is a CSS filter effect that reverses the colors of an element, creating a negative of the original image.

invert - BdThemes
  1. Invert: Set the invert level.


Opacity is a CSS property that controls the transparency level of an element.

opacity - BdThemes
  1. Opacity: Set the opacity level.


Sepia is a CSS filter effect that gives an element a warm, brownish tone, resembling the look of old, faded photographs.

  1. Sepia: Set the level for the sepia.

Video Assist

You can also watch the video tutorial Learn more about the Backdrop Filter Extension. Please visit the demo page for examples.

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