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20 Best Microsite Inspiration In 2024: Complete Guide

20 best microsite inspiration

Want to make an impact with a compelling microsite that people can’t help but talk about? 

Stop searching now! 

This blog article will take a look at a few instances of the best microsite inspiration, highlighting sites with cutting-edge design, interactive features, and interesting content. 

Microsites are a great way for a business to get the word out about a service, product, campaign, or event. Simpler and easier to use than regular websites, they are better for people who don’t have a lot of time to spend on one thing at a time. 

You may learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t in microsite design from the examples, and they will inspire you to make your own.

Are microsites still used?

Microsites are still used, but their use and function have changed over time.

Here are some important points:

  1. Microsites were very popular in the early to mid-2000s, but not as much now that search engines value reliable, in-depth content more.
  2. Microsites can still work in some cases, like when you want to promote a campaign, event, product, or service.
  3. Microsites are great for charities and non-profits that might not have the money for a bigger website or campaign.

Sometimes, microsites can be very useful, even though they aren’t as famous or strong as they used to be. Microsites can give users a focused, dynamic, and interesting experience if they are used correctly, which makes them a good choice for certain business goals.

If you want to know more details about microsites, you can check What is a microsite in WordPress.

How can I improve my microsite?

Using key design and content strategies to improve your microsite will help you reach your marketing goals and get more people to interact with it.

Here are some tips to improve your microsite:

Clear Design and Navigation: Make sure your microsite looks good and is easy for people to use. It should also be simple to navigate so people can find the information they need.

Engaging Content: To grab people’s attention and make an impression, use interactive features, inventive typography, and eye-catching color schemes.

Focused and Relevant Information: Avoid confusion and distractions and give focused, clear information that fits the purpose of your microsite.

Optimization for Search Engines: Although microsites seem a bit challenging to optimize, targeting specific keywords and phrases can improve visibility and attract the right audience.

Analytics and Testing: Analytical data can help you figure out how people use your microsite and what they like. On the other hand, A/B testing can help you improve its style and content.

Cost-Effectiveness and Time-Efficiency: Think about how much it will cost and how long it will take to build and run your microsite. Make sure it fits with your marketing budget and schedule.

With these tips in mind, you can make a microsite that is more useful and interesting for your target audience and helps you reach your marketing goals.

Now you have a complete grasp on a successful microsite, you can easily build a microsite by following how to create a microsite in WordPress.

Let’s get some of the best inspiration from the market.

20 Best Microsite Inspiration

Here are some inspiring microsite examples that are still live in 2024.

  1. Adobe
best microsite inspiration

My Creative Type,” Adobe’s microsite, is a great example of a branded experience that shows off the company’s goods and services and keeps people interested with interactive design elements. The page is meant to help people figure out what kind of creative person they are. It’s a fun and participatory way for people to learn more about Adobe’s products and services.

Visually appealing and in line with Adobe’s brand, the microsite has a clean style, bold writing, and bright images.

There is a quiz on the site that asks users many questions to help them choose one of four creative types. Each type shows a different part of Adobe’s products and services.

The quiz is fun and interesting, which makes it a good way to get people’s attention and make them want to learn more about Adobe’s products.

Adobe’s microsite does a good job of promoting the company’s brand and products by giving users a unique and dynamic experience. It also gives users a fun and interesting way to learn more about themselves.

This example shows how microsites can be used to make a unique and interesting user experience by showing off a brand’s personality and products in a way that is both visually appealing and interactive.

  1. Intel
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Intel has many microsites that show off its products and services. The Intel® Partner Marketing Studio and the Intel® Network Builders Edge Ecosystem are two examples. You can find ready-to-use co-marketing material and programs in the Intel® Partner Marketing Studio.

Master of Game,” one of Intel’s microsites, is a highly focused and personalized game experience that shows off Intel’s brand.

The page has a game that asks users to do different things, and the Intel name is visible throughout the whole thing.

 This website is a great example of how they can be used to make an experience that is both unique and interesting, while still staying true to the brand’s personality and values.

Overall, Intel’s microsites show how microsites can be used to express a brand’s goods and services, give users specific information and tools, and make their experiences fun and interesting.

  1. Lego
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Lego also has made many microsites that show its goods and services and keep people interested with interactive design elements. One example is the “Sustainability” website, which is all about Lego’s dedication to being environmentally friendly and long-lasting.

The page has a simple, clean layout that makes it easy to navigate. It also has engaging features that let users learn more about Lego’s efforts to be more environmentally friendly. There is information on the site about Lego’s efforts to use sustainable materials, save energy, and cut down on trash. There are also engaging features that let users learn more about Lego’s sustainability goals and projects.

The “Build Together” microsite is another example of a Lego microsite. It motivates people to build and share their Lego projects with other people.

This microsite design is simple and easy to use. It has engaging parts that let users look at and share their Lego work with others. The website has details about Lego’s goods and services, as well as interactive parts that let Lego fans share their works with the world and connect with other Lego fans.

Overall, Lego’s microsite examples make user experiences fun and interesting. Which is a great inspiration for someone to make a new microsite.

  1. Nasa
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“NASA’s Space Place” is an educational website for kids in upper elementary school that came out in 1998. It was the first NASA website to make material for kids about more than one mission.

There is a lot of information on the site about space travel and Earth science. There are also games, projects, stories, and animations for kids to enjoy.

The content is meant to be both educational and fun, making learning about NASA’s work in space and on Earth fun and interesting for kids.

NASA Space Place is trying to connect with kids and encourage them to become scientists and engineers in the future. Teachers and parents who want to teach kids about space and Earth science in a fun and interactive way should check out this site.

The material is offered in several languages, so it can be used by a wide range of young students.

Overall, NASA’s Space Place is a great example of how educational microsites can target specific groups of people with specific information and tools. It does this by providing a lot of fun and interesting information about space travel and Earth science.

  1. Blindsight
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“Blindsight.space” is a microsite for a short film by Danil Krivoruchko based on the book “Blindsight” by Peter Watts. People who worked on the short film and their emails to the writer are logged on the homepage and can be interacted with. The memories are shown in a near-future interface that includes videos, pictures, files, photos, and messages.

Also, the idea for the website came from reading the book, which gives a thorough look at how all the images were made.

The homepage was made by Anton Repponen and can be found on Dribbble, a site for designers and other creative types.

The mobile form of the microsite is easier to use, and the PC version is the best way to get the full experience.

The site looks at how the movie was made through the memories of the people who worked on it. It’s a unique and interesting way to see a short movie based on a famous science fiction book.

  1. USAA
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The Army-Navy Virtual House is part of USAA’s larger plan to connect with fans and give them a unique, all-around Army-Navy Game experience. The website is meant to bring fans closer to the game and the teams by having fun and engaging content that captures the spirit of the event. The virtual house is where NFL fans can meet, talk, and share in the excitement of the game. It’s a fun and involved way to experience the history and rivalry of the Army-Navy Game.

The microsite has many features, such as video spirit boxes, virtual field goal challenges, and engaging content that puts fans right in the middle of the game.

  1. Nintendo
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Nintendo made the “Explore the Lental Region” website to promote the release of the game “New Pokémon Snap.” It is a live digital experience. The microsite has a live map of the Lental Region, which is where the game takes place, that lets users explore. The map shows different places and areas that are full of wild Pokémon. When users click on different spots on the map, movies appear that show where they are and give information about the Pokémon that live there.

People who visit the website can also get My Nintendo Platinum Points and special digital picture frames that are based on different parts of the Lental Region. Fans can get a sneak peek at the game on the website, which is also a fun and interesting way to connect with the Pokémon world.

  1. Hubspot
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HubSpot’s “Website Grader” page is a free tool that can help your website get better. This site lets people quickly check their website’s speed, security, SEO, and ability to work on mobile devices. Users only need to paste the URL and email address of their site into the tool, and it will use Google Lighthouse’s automatic insights to give them a thorough report on how well their site is doing and what they can do to make it better. 

The tool is meant to help users figure out what parts of their website can be improved to make it better for both users and search engines. Website owners and marketers who want to improve their online profile can learn a lot from it. 

This microsite is a great example of how microsites can be used to give users a focused and useful service. In this case, it helps users improve the speed and user experience of their websites. 

  1. Spotify
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Spotify’s microsite called “Listening Together” shows how people from all over the world are linked by their love of music. The microsite has a live world that lets people see these links in real time, showing where people are and how many people are listening to the same song at any given time.

Since it opened in April 2020, more than a million people have been to the website.

The microsite’s goal is to get people to share a listening experience and show how far the Spotify app can spread around the world.

The website is a part of a bigger effort that praises how sound can bring people together.

  1. Saasgrader

The SaaSGrader microsite is a one-stop shop for figuring out the key measures that owners, VCs, and board members use to compare the potential of a business to industry standards and the unicorns of the SaaS space. The microsite is a great example of a well-designed microsite because it looks great and has a great form strategy.

The microsite’s goal is to give owners and investors a way to determine the potential of a company and help them make smart choices about their SaaS investments.

  1. Emojipedia
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Emojitracker by Emojipedia is an experiment website that keeps track of all the emojis used on Twitter in real time.

 Matthew Rothenberg built the page in July 2013; now, the team at Emojipedia takes care of it and helps users.

Emojitracker changes as quickly as Twitter, giving you a constantly updated picture of how emojis are used.

The site has images that change quickly, which could be upsetting for people who are sensitive to that kind of thing, and the people who made it tell users about this.

Emojitracker is a fun and interesting way to look at how emojis are used in real-time on Twitter. It shows you which emojis are popular, what the trends are, and how they are used.

 Anyone who wants to learn more about how emojis are used and how they change over time should check out the website.

  1. Oreo and XBOX
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As a way to promote their products, Oreo and Xbox have come up with a website with Xbox-themed limited edition packs of Oreos and in-game gifts. People can join a contest on the page for a chance to win gifts like an Xbox Series S console, Xbox Stereo Headsets, and a 3-month ticket to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

People can enter by scanning the QR code on the Oreo box or going to the Stay Playful website.

The page has a fun and interesting design, and it’s full of Xbox and Oreo logos. Europe is the only place where the offer is available.

Overall, the Oreo and Xbox microsite is a great example of how microsites can be used to encourage brands to work together. It gives users a fun and interesting way to connect with both companies’ goods and services.

  1. Life at Home by Ikea
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IKEA’s “Life at Home” website is a study project that they do every year to find out how people all over the world live at home. As a report, the microsite shows the study results and gives information about different parts of home life, like how people use their homes, what makes them feel at home, and how they make their living places unique. On the homepage, there are also stories and talks with people from around the world, as well as home improvement tips and ideas.

Anyone who wants to learn more about how people live and how they can make their own homes better should check out the “Life at Home” microsite.

  1. Every Last Drop by Waterwise
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The interactive microsite “Every Last Drop” was made by Nice & Serious in collaboration with Waterwise, a group in the UK that supports saving water. The page gives a thorough look at how much water is wasted every day and how small changes can help save water. It has a dynamic moving design and is meant to make people more aware of how much water they use and how to save it. 

The page was made to change the way people think about water, and it has won awards for both its design and its effect.

  1. Chipotle
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One focused and interesting microsite is the Chipotle Farmers Market, which shows some of the company’s suppliers and links to their websites so that visitors can buy their goods directly.

There are also ads on the site for the Seed Grants program, which gives $5,000 to 50 farmers under 40.

 Anyone who wants to learn more about Chipotle’s commitment to sustainability and helping local farmers will find this website very useful.

  1. LucidWorks
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Lucidworks has created a microsite in partnership with Column Five to educate business executives about dark data and how Lucidworks can help address this issue. The microsite is an interactive infographic titled “The Data that Lies Beneath” and highlights the amount of digital data in the world, the percentage of unstructured or “dark data,” and the potential benefits of leveraging this data. 

The microsite aims to redirect the conversation in the industry from big data to dark data and to showcase how Lucidworks can help businesses find value in their dark data.

  1. BetterUp
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BetterUp’s Uplift microsite is a two-day gathering that is meant to help top leaders reach their full potential and improve business results.

The page has information about the summit’s schedule, guests, and how to sign up.

At the summit, famous speakers, ground-breaking researchers, and other top executives share their ideas on how to use the theme of bold leadership to bring about big changes in business.

The microsite also has a video summary of the 2024 event, with classes that can be watched whenever they are convenient.

 The Uplift microsite is a great example of how microsites can be used to promote events and give guests useful information, like the schedule, bios of speakers, and registration links.

  1. Halsey
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There is a different website called “Love and Power” by Halsey that is only for marketing her new album, “If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power.” The homepage has a consistent look and clear calls to action, which makes it perfect for marketing a single product or campaign.

People who visit the microsite can listen to the record, watch the movie, and buy exclusive music and other items connected to the project.

Fans can use it to interact with Halsey’s newest work and get limited-edition items. This shows how powerful microsites can be for pushing and organizing material for a campaign or artistic project.

  1. BlueHeart
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A small website called Blue Heart by Patagonia is all about protecting the last few wild rivers in the Balkans in Europe. The page has a “Save the Blue Heart” call to action and details about the fight to keep the rivers in the area from being damaged by harmful hydropower projects. Along with that, there is a plea for tourists to sign and join the fight to save the wild Balkan rivers. The microsite’s goal is to bring attention to the problem and get people to work together to stop the building of dams and the destruction of the area’s natural rivers.

  1. Chrome Music Lab
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The Chrome Music Lab is an interesting website with a bunch of fun and easy-to-do music projects that are meant to make learning music more fun and easy.

A lot of teachers use Chrome Music Lab in the classroom to look into how music is related to science, math, art, and other subjects. They often mix it with dance and real instruments.

The Song Maker is a project on the site that lets people make their songs and share them with others.

The site’s tests were made with open-source web technologies like Web Audio API, WebMIDI, and Tone.js. They can be played on any device by opening the site in a web browser like Chrome.

Bottom Line

Woah! Take a deep breath. 

You just got to know the 20 best microsite inspiration in 2024.

Finding inspiration for a microsite doesn’t need blindly replicating an existing one. Being able to comprehend, adjust, and create new things is the key. To create your effective microsite, it is helpful to look at other successful ones to get ideas, learn from their mistakes, have a clear picture of what you want, and then follow that. So, go headfirst into the universe of microsite ideas and unleash your creativity!


How many pages is a microsite?

A microsite is a small, focused website that is different from an organization’s main website. It usually has a homepage and two or three child pages, but it can have more pages if it needs to in order to reach its specific goal.

Is microsite a landing page?

No, a microsite is not a landing page. A landing page is a single page that is meant to get people to do something. A microsite, on the other hand, is a small website that focuses on a certain part of a business and can have as many pages as it needs to reach its specific goal.

How do you identify a microsite?

To identify a microsite, look for a separate, focused website with limited navigation, often using a different domain or subdomain, and typically featuring a single call to action.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when designing a microsite?

When making a microsite, people often make the following mistakes: picking the wrong website design business, not studying the market before making the site, not managing the project well, not planning the content well, having trouble communicating and navigating, and separating the design and content.

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