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Ultimate Post Kit – An Elementor addon that made for Bloggers

Ultimate Post Kit - An Elementor addon that made for Bloggers

Ultimate Post kit is an Elementor Addon that is solely built for Bloggers. No, it’s not a Lamp genie you can rub to get blogs. But it makes you a Blogging Genie in an hour so you can create amazing blogs yourself.

There are some minor differences between a branding website and a blogging website. For that, the design purpose is not the same in some perspectives.

That’s why We have made an elementor addon dedicatedly to Bloggers who loves to do blogging in Elementor that will help them to design a Fully functional Blogging website without having any coding knowledge or design sense. 

Today in this blog you can know everything about Ultimate Post Kit. Everything is categorized and we have added use cases for our widgets so that you can make use of our addon properly.

Ultimate Post Kit is UseFul if You have:-

  • Info-based blog 
  • Product review blog
  • News Blog
  • Fashion Blog
  • Photography Blog
  • Gaming tips and tricks related blog and the List Goes on!!

Now let’s see what Ultimate Post Kit have

Atlas SliderAlex GridAlex CarouselBuzz ListForbes TabsGrove TimelineRecent Comments
Berlin SliderAlice GridAlice CarouselBuzz List CarouselHolux TabsOras TimelinePost Catagory
Camux SliderAlter GridAlter CarouselClassic ListSnap TimelineNewsletter
Carbon SliderAmox GridAmox CarouselExotic ListSoft TimelineMulticolor item
Crystal SliderElite GridBuzz List CarouselFanel ListReading Progress Circle
Foxico SliderGratis GridCarbon SliderFeatured ListReading Progress Bar
Hansel SliderHazel GridCategory CarouselHarold ListAuthor
Iconic SliderKalon GridEldora CarouselHarold List CarouselSocial Link
Noxe SliderMaple GridElite CarouselScott ListSocial Count
Optick SliderPixina GridGratis CarouselTiny ListBanner
Paradox SliderRamble GridHarold List CarouselWelsh ListTag Cloud
Phlox SliderWixer GridHazel Carousel
Skide SliderKalon Carousel
Sline SliderMaple Carousel
Snog SliderPixina Carousel
Ramble Carousel
Wixer Carousel

Now You will elaborate use case of these widgets so that you can understand how Ultimate Post Kit can help you to build a blog.

So when you build a News or Fashion-related website, there is a basic need for sliders and a carousel to showcase your posts aesthetically. That’s why we have over 15+ sliders and 18+ carousels for your type of blog which will fulfill your goal properly.

Just check Here the demo for each slider and carousel. You will be amazed by their amazing design and orientation. Also, they are fully optimized and responsive.

Now if we approach in a step-by-step process.

A blog page has some major parts like-

  • Blog Landing Page
  • Archive Page
  • Single Page (Where a post will be published)
  • Author Page 
  • Contact Us

You can make all types of these pages with our Addon.

1. How to Make a Blog Landing Page with Ultimate Post Kit?

A blog landing page serves as the virtual doorstep to your online content, welcoming visitors and enticing them to explore further.

If the landing page is not right, you won’t be able to pull more traffic or entertain your visitors in the first place.

As a blog landing page includes lots of stuff, the majority struggle to find the right balance of content to decorate their blogs.

But you can worry less and do more with Ultimate Post Kit as the plugin takes care of it easily.

Because this plugin offers a variety of carousels, sliders, grids, & lists to properly design your blog landing page and make it look awesome.

Just so you know, the features offered by this blogging beast are very responsive to even smaller devices.

So, you can feel free to include tons of features to your landing page including-

  • Hero post
  • Author Bio
  • Featured posts
  • Popular post list
  • Post Slider
  • Post Category
  • Social links
  • Tags
  • Category
  • Newsletter

Wondering how your blog will look like if you are using only Ultimate Post Kit?

Well, as the plugin offers A-to-Z features for blogs, news portals, or magazines, you can build unique blog sites in various niches easily.

For your sake, there are some ready designs available right now-

  1. Food Page 1
  2. Food Page 2
  3. Magazine Page 1
  4. Magazine Page 2
  5. Magazine Page 3
  6. News Page 1
  7. News Page 2
  8. Todays News

2. How to make an Archive page with the Ultimate Post kit?

A post archive is where you keep all of your blog posts in order to let your visitors take a good look at the topics and be able to pick what they like.

It is pretty common for websites to have an Archive page where the posts are categorized, and arranged in grids, lists, or carousels. Also, there could be featured posts, pinned or sticky blogs, or a short list of popular posts.

In fact, there could be many ways you can build a post archive page but the main target remains the same. To make people interested in your topic as you slowly drag them into the funnel.

With Ultimate Post Kit, you are guaranteed to create impressive archive pages within a very small amount of time.

But why? How?

Because an archive page is made to list articles and make them appear easily in front of your audience, the actual page design is kept very straightforward.

Common components in an Archive page-

  • Newsletter subscription field
  • Post Grid
  • Featured post list (may or may not be)
  • Post Category
  • Search bar
  • Post details (reading time, author, date, etc.)
  • Post Calendar

So, above is a common list of elements in a post archive page. Not each of them needs to be presented at the same time. You could decide that when designing your archive page according to your preferences.

As Ultimate Post Kit can provide you with all of the above-mentioned features, you won’t have to struggle to find the right tools anymore.

Each of the mentioned features comes as drag-and-drop widgets in Ultimate Post Kit. You can just place them on the archive page to finish your design instantly.

But you can be creative and customize the text or background colors, add paddings, adjust margins, font style, and lots to make your unique designs.

With the help of the easy customize options in the plugin, you are actually saving your time while making sure your page looks great.

Archive page designs with Ultimate Post Kit plugin-

This video tells you about the various archive page designs easily possible with our plugin and Elementor Pro. You won’t have to break a sweat. Feel free to slow the video to get into more details.

3. How to make a Single Post page with the Ultimate Post kit?

In WordPress, a Single Post page means a post template page for individual blog posts.

Suppose you have 10 blogs in your WordPress site and you want a similar layout for all 10 of them. If you have a theme, then the theme will provide a layout for the blogs.

But you can do custom Single Post pages for your blogging site with Ultimate Post Kit.

In case you are worried about how to drive more engagements on your blogs, you should be going for custom single pages. This way, you can easily implement the best layout that’s engaging and easy to read for your visitors.

However, Single pages are often difficult to create due to insufficient features of plugins.

But thanks to the rich features of Ultimate Post Kit, it’s not a problem anymore.

A single page may consist of-

  • Feature image
  • Headline
  • Author profile
  • Reading time
  • Reading Progress
  • Social share links
  • Tags
  • Next/Previous blog list
  • Recent Comments
  • Banners
  • Newsletter

The above list of single post elements is found in recent popular blog posts of famous websites.

Many blogs went with the full list of elements whereas most others just kept a few elements. You may equip your single post pages with any number of features per your requirements.

As Ultimate Post Kit allows you to implement each of the listed features into your single post page, you are basically half an hour before creating the best single-page layout for your blogs.

Design single posts with fun-

This video shows how you can use Ultimate Post Kit features to adapt various single-post designs with Elementor Pro. We kept the video short and only stuck to the basics.

For advanced layout customizations, feel free to follow our “Ultimate Post Kit – A Journey to Make a Wonderful Blog Site” guide.

4. How to make an Author page with the Ultimate Post kit?

Since popular blog sites keep dedicated author pages to add more brand value, it’s a good practice if you do it for your blog site too.

Since it’s a page for educating visitors about the blog authors, you would not need to invest too much to design the page.

You can use Ultimate Post Kit to quickly come up with a layout for this. Although this is a “by default” feature of your WordPress theme, you can customize it through our plugin.

However, you can do more. You can easily create an authors page and display all blog authors in a grid showing.

Also, you can customize single author pages for personalization, while showing other blogging elements thanks to the plugin.

A typical author page may contain-

  • Author bio
  • Author Social profile links
  • Post List (written by Author)
  • Newsletter
  • Special banner

Here, you can do two things with Ultimate Post Kit-

  1. Create an Author Single Archive page using the above elements
  2. Create an Author showcase (grid) on the blog landing page or anywhere

With the Author Single Archive page, you can replace the default theme’s author single page with your own style page.

How can you be creative with your Single Author pages?

In this video, we showed how you can use the widgets from the Ultimate Post Kit addon to design single-author pages with Elementor Pro.

5. How to make a Contact Us page with the Ultimate Post kit?

A contact page matters for a blogging site if you are offering services or advice and you want your visitors to contact you regarding that.

According to the norm, a contact page should have a minimal design so the visitors can focus on filling out the form.

But you could add small promotional elements like a banner or some useful blog links on this page.

In summary, there could be these elements in a Contact Us page-

  • Contact form
  • Featured posts
  • Helpful post list
  • Social links
  • Banner

With Ultimate Post Kit, you can easily create a suitable contact us page for your blogs while covering the mentioned features.

Contact Us page design trends-

You can watch this video to learn how to design the page with our plugin easily.

So, Are You Ready To Create Some Blogs?

In conclusion, the Ultimate Post Kit addon for Elementor is an invaluable tool for creating a captivating and effective introduction blog landing page.

Feel free to check it out on AppSumo and Get The Deal at much less than the regular price.

Also, you can visit the plugins’ knowledge base here.

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Picture of Md Abdullah Sakib Talukdar
Md Abdullah Sakib Talukdar
Abdullah Sakib is a Senior SEO Content Writer and Content Manager with 3+ years of experience in the WordPress industry. He is skilled in creating high-quality content that converts and he excels at NLP copywriting.

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