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Rooten Theme

Build your stunning new website and get online today with Rooten! It’s easy & free. Free multilingual fonts. Customizable online store. Easy-to-add blog. 

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Over 230k freelancers & agencies love us! 


Free WordPress Theme

Build your stunning new website and get online today with Rooten! It’s easy & free. Free multilingual fonts. Customizable online store. Easy-to-add blog.


The Effective Features

The business’s current account is your accounting software. A simple way to run your business.

Theme Settings

Theme Settings

We’ve theme settings where you can edit almost everything you need. Header, footer, typography, and other things are set this features.
Page Builder Ready

Page Builder Ready

The Rooten theme works great with page builders. We made these themes specially made for page builders like Elementor.
WooCommrece Ready

WooCommrece Ready

The Rooten Theme support Woocommerce. You can easily integrate it with this eCommerce plugin and also style your product.
Translation Ready

Translation Ready

You can easily translate our theme because we support language files. This feature makes our theme stand out from the crowd.

Responsive works great on any device and its Retina Ready

We use great media queries to make sure our theme responsive and device friendly. We support a 6 column grid system using our light code which works perfectly on any desktop, pad, or mobile screen. 

Responsive Ready

Responsive Ready

Its responsive feature supports almost every device.
Ratina Ready

Ratina Ready

You’ll get this feature to show your images more efficiently.







Key Features

When, while lovely valley teems with vapour around meand meridian sun strikes the upper impenetrable foliage of my trees.

SEO Optimized

SEO Optimized

Off-page SEO and site speed optimized.
Instant Customizations

Instant Customizations

Rooten theme settings can support customizations.
Global Typography

Global Typography

Global typography option can save your time on typography
Custom Header

Custom Header

We have got a dynamic header that supports almost every possibility to customize the header.
Custom Footer

Custom Footer

Our footer is also dynamic. It can support the widgets, menu, and other facilities you want.
Child Theme

Child Theme

To avoid any custom modification done by you.
Clean Code

Clean Code

Clean and fresh hand-coded to ensure standard coding practice.
WPML support

WPML support

To avoid any custom modification done by you.
Marketing outline

Marketing outline

Works great with any page builder.


The business current account that is your accounting software. A simple way to run your business.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks for your interest. We know you’ve some. Here are some commonly asked questions about the Rooten theme.

Do I need Elementor Pro to use Ultimate Store Kit?

There is no need for Elementor Pro because Ultimate Store Kit works with both the free and pro versions of Elementor page builder plugin.

Where can I request new features?

Please contact our support team through email or LiveChat in case you need to request new features for our product. Our team will connect with you within 24 hours.

Is Ultimate Store Kit an eCommerce platform?

No. Ultimate Store Kit is not a new eCommerce platform but a support plugin for existing platforms on WordPress and works for design purposes.

Do I need to import my products from the existing shop?

You don’t have to import anything. Ultimate Store Kit doesn’t use a separate platform to store your shop data. Rather, it reads the store data from your existing WordPress store automatically.

Does your plugin work with my theme?

Ultimate Store Kit is designed to work with major WordPress themes and is compatible with all themes made for WordPress Elementor.

What are the benefits of your plugin?

Ultimate Store Kit is the perfect online store design tool that combines multiple web designing features into one plugin. Using this tool, you can utilize online store platforms like WooCommerce, EDD, and Download Monitor to shape your business as you want.

Take advantage of fine-tuned plugins

Get Customizable Elementor Widgets to Power Up Your Website

Take advantage of fine-tuned plugins to speed up web projects without sacrificing quality. We offer a 14-days money-back guarantee.
Need any further assistance? Call Us:+880 1700 55 95 95
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